Rubric Row 1: I literally have a slide for the question, method, and conclusion. I don't know if it is too explicit but for now I have them in there. Perfectly obvious.
Rubric Row 2: I have to integrate evidence and implications into my presentation. Which I don't have but have commented on places that I need to include them. I also need to make more specifics in my conclusions.
Rubric Row 3: This row is actually really cool for my project because I thought there would be more signs of Marx's structures in these movies. But guess what? There's not! So I was wrong partly. But that's where the discussion on the purpose of the movies to entertain and then get the audience hooked on the products associated with the movies comes in. And Bam there is still room to prove Disney is strongly promoting consumerism through further research.
Rubric Row 4: In the middle of my presentation there are some pretty boring slides. So i'll work on that. I made a slide that has all of the movies in my sample, and I think it is really cool, but I would love to know if it is too overwhelming. To me, it seemed like a good way to say I had 13 movies, without having to take the time to verbally list them all. Is that crazy? I am also planning on taking the audience through an evaluation of Aladdin to make the research process and data analysis section more clear (and prove I actually did work to come to my results). I feel like this example makes the audience a participant in the research process, and is hopefully very engaging, without taking too long of my presentation. My fear is that I go through this and then do not have enough time to talk about the conclusions in enough detail.
I know I still have a lot of work to do. But I have a goal. This will hopefully be me when I rock the presentation.