
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Inside Out: the numbers of the results section

I am currently finishing up adding my data into my results spreadsheet!

Collecting data, I will admit, took it out of me. If I have to watch another Disney movie in the next three months, I may cry.

However, I got some pretty cool results. Originally, I planned on creating a point scale to evaluate the frequencies of traits a character exhibited; however, the frequency was often too small to make an accurate scale. Now, I simply have the frequency of "submissive," "authority," "gender masculine," and "gender feminine" traits in a spreadsheet. By comparing authority and submission and masculine and feminine, I will come to some conclusions on the character's traits and whether this follows the Marxist role they should fit. 

In terms of the notes I took on children's understanding of their future, I came up with four themes: 
Child rejects parents’ view for future, child gives in eventually
Child rejects parents’ view and is successful with own path
Child accepts parents’ view and is successful
Child accepts parents’ view, but realizes that is not the best way and changes
After I place each movie under a theme, I am making a list of movies that fit family definitions then naming the theme on future, and a list of movies that do not fit the family definitions, also with the theme on future named next to it. I will then look for a trend between the two parts, as in I am looking if the families that do not follow the structure also do not create a cycle of parent and child.  

This past week I finished collecting all of the raw numbers and themes, filled in the conclusion of the characters’ traits, and have begun categorizing movies based on family theme. I still have to finish the family themes, and find trends with the structure and family theme. The majority of it is going very well. The conclusions are pretty straightforward right now, but I am worried about finding trends. Right now for that section I have a simple table set up, but I am trying to think of a better way to convey the correlation between structure and cyclical family theme. 

All in all, I am relieved that the collection aspect is done, and I am looking forward to the analysis portion so that I can begin to really delve into what all these numbers are showing me.


  1. Hey Grace!

    First of all, let me just say that your project is so interesting! I think that it’s great that you were able to modify your plan for your data collection so that you can efficiently carry out your analysis. Having the four broad categories of “submissive,” etc. will allow you to reach conclusions faster about the characters of the movies that you’re analyzing, in my opinion. I’m a little confused when you said that after making a list of movies that fit family definitions, you would name “the theme on future.” What do you mean by this? I found that whole paragraph hard to follow, but I think that finding a trend between the two lists will definitely help in reaching a conclusion regarding the cycle of parent and child and familial structure. Also, just to clarify, how are you going on finding trends? Are you looking at similarities between the various markers that you have? I may just be confused since I’m a little unfamiliar with your project lol.

    Regarding how to convey the correlation between the two parts, you could maybe create a bar graph, with two bars for each thing on the x-axis (one for the list of movies that fit family definitions, and one for the list of movies that don’t), and doing something off of that, based on what your data looks like. Additionally, how will you validate that what you’re coding is correct? Are you re-coding a percentage of your sample? Otherwise, I think that you have a good handle on things! I’m sorry to hear that you won’t be watching another Disney movie before May!


  2. Grace -- I'm glad that you're done collecting the data, I just hope it hasn't ruined Disney animated films for you!

    Moreover, I agree that the complicated part will be showing a relationship between the Marxist family and the themes you're finding. I want to get a clearer picture of what you're thinking, so we can figure it out when we meet on Wednesday.

    Moreover, part of the work you'll need to do is clearly refining, defining, and illustrating the themes. Look so Gursajan's blog to see how he's thinking of going about that.

  3. Hi Grace,
    Happy to hear that you data collection is complete! It's great that you pivoted your analysis to fit the data you ended up with, but you may want to evaluate your new methods because the lit review and the new methods may not be completely aligned. I did not get a clear picture of how exactly you will evaluate your data. A mere straightforward comparison is not really helping anyone understand how you actually compare them. It may help to clarify that or if you don't know yet, get cracking lol. You may want to introduce an x y graph plotting the two sets of themes against each other and plotting each movie accordingly. Maybe label the 4 quadrants and place the movies in each to see the groupings of the data. But I'm not the expert here, so lets hope your analysis technique is straight fire.
    -Ashwath V.

  4. What's up Grace?! I absolutely love your project and am so excited to see what you find! That's wonderful that data collection is finally over and you don't have to watch another Disney movie for a long time lol. So just for my understanding because I'm not too familiar with your project, it looks like you are going to assess the level of Marxist themes reflected in the movies by tallying up and comparing instances of submissiveness and authority etc. Then you are going to look at family definitions in movies tied in with the four themes on future. And then you are going to correlate family themes to Marxist structure, which will be your analysis. I was a little unclear whether this is the analysis that you will be conducting, but that's just because I haven't gotten to know your project in so much detail yet haha. If this is how you are going to analyze it, then I think a bar graph would be helpful. For each movie you can have two bars -- one for the Marxist themes and one for the family definitions. You could then group together movies with the same themes on future to see if there is a trend in the representation of Marxist themes and family definitions. Do you think such an approach would help readers understand your findings more clearly? I hope this made sense in some way, shape, or form haha! Overall, you seem to be right on track with your research! Can't wait to learn what conclusions you find! (260)
